Slide shows
Flight to the Death - The Saemangeum reclamation project

by Dr. Charles J. Page, documentary photographer Australia

view: CP-2005-2008-Flight-to-Death-700x525.swf
Birds, Wetlands and People are One

compiled by Ken Gosbell, Australasian Wader Studies Group

view: Birds-Wetlands-People-are-one-700x525.swf
(To view the slideshows the is required. Click on the logo to download.)


At Saemangeum

from the Birds Korea video "Birds of South Korea" April/October 2001

At the Dongjin Estuary

from the Birds Korea video "Birds of South Korea" October 2001

40000 Great Knots

by Adrian Riegen, Miranda Naturalists' Trust, New Zealand, April 2006, produced by June Furness

view: (1:12 min)
(To view the videos Apple Quicktime  is required. Click on the logo to download.)


PDF documents
(To view the documents   is required. Click on the logo to download.)