A Siberian White Crane found in the late afternoon on the 18th at Seosan was seen leaving southwards in the morning of the 19th.
Remarkably it was then re-found on Heuksan Island (about 250km to the southwest, see map right) by Park Jong Gil who was on Heuksan at Eri waiting for a ferry when the Crane flew over at him at 4:40 pm and landed nearby.
There are few records of large waterbirds being re-located, proof perhaps that the birding community here is growing and communicating more.

© Kim Hyun-tae.

© Kim Hyun-tae.

Preliminary research into records of Siberian White Crane in the Republic of Korea (based mainly on Park Jin Young, unpublished doctoral thesis, 2002) suggests the following:
1 in 1992, November, Han-Imjin River
1 in 1997, March, Han-Imjin River
1 in 1997, October, Han-Imjin River
1 in 1999, November-December, Cheorwon DMZ (listed in the thesis as three separate records but more likely refers to a single long-staying individual)
1 or 2 in 2001, November-December, one Han-Imjin River and one Cheorwon DMZ
and 1 in 2004 November, Seosan and Heuksan Island.