Birds Korea Checklist
August 2007

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Status codes in short - for detailed description go to the Introduction page.


1) Global Conservation Status
CR:Critically Endangered.
NT:Near- threatened.

2) Trend

3) Seasonality and Abundance
R(m):Resident and partial migrant.
P:Passage Migrant (i.e. spring or autumn or both).
W:Winter visitor.
S:Summer visitor or summer resident.

Estimated abundance since 1980:
1:>= 100,000
2:10,000 - 100,000
3:1000 - 10,000
4:100 - 1000
5:<= 100

Less regularly-recorded species:
V1:Probably annual (25-99 records or individuals recorded in total up to the present).
V2:Recorded scarcely annually, or less than annually (between ten and 25 records or individuals in total up to the present).
V3:Ten or fewer records in total up to the present.
V4:Species last recorded ten or more years before the present.
V5:Species added to the Birds Korea Checklist within the past update (starting from August 2007).

4) Geographic Area
No:North of approximately 38 D North.
So:South of approximately 38 D North.
N-N: Far northern provinces: Pyonganbuk, Chagang, Yanggang, Hamgyeongnam, Hamgyeongbuk.
N-C:Northern-central provinces: Pyongannam, Hwanghaebuk, Hwanghaenam, northern Gangwon.
C-W:Central-western provinces: Gyeonggi, Chungchongnam, Chungchongbuk.
C-E:Central-eastern provinces: southern Gangwon, Gyeongsangbuk.
S-S:Southern provinces: Jeollabuk, Jeollanam, Gyeongsangnam, excluding Jeju and the southern coastal zone.
S-C:Southern Coastal Zone, all islands and within ca 20km of the coast in Jeollabuk, Jeollanam, Jeju, Gyeongsangnam and Gyeonsangbuk provinces.

Additional Codes
1) Category 2
In Category 2, each species contains an assessment of global conservation status (as above); followed by:
a)The number of published records of that species;
b)The year of the last confirmed record.
Birds Korea Checklist October 2007

Category 1:

Contains all species which have been recorded in 1980 or subsequently, where the identifications have been made by more than one reliable and experienced observer, in almost all cases supported by photographs, sound recordings or
specimens upon which the identification can be confirmed independently.

1Hazel GrouseTetrastes bonasiaR(m)2
2Black GrouseLyrurus tetrixR5(N-N)
3Japanese QuailCoturnix japonicaDEC. So:W3 / 4, No:S5
4Common PheasantPhasianus colchicusR1
5Swan GooseAnser cygnoidesEN. P2 (N-CC), W5
6Bean GooseAnser fabalisP1,W2, SV2
7Greylag GooseAnser anserV3 (So)
8Greater White-fronted GooseAnser albifronsP1,W2, SV2
9Lesser White-fronted GooseAnser erythropusVU: P5,WV1
10Bar-headed GooseAnser indicusV3 (So)
11Snow GooseChen caerulescensV1
12Cackling GooseBranta hutchinsiiV2
13Brant Goose or Black BrantBranta berniclaW4
14Mute SwanCygnus olorW5
15Tundra SwanCygnus columbianusW4
16Whooper SwanCygnus cygnusW3,SV3
17Common ShelduckTadorna tadornaW2,SV3
18Ruddy ShelduckTadorna ferrugineaW3
19Mandarin DuckAix galericulataR(m)3,W3
20GadwallAnas streperaW3
21Falcated DuckAnas falcataW3, SV3
22Eurasian WigeonAnas penelopeP3,W3,SV3
23American WigeonAnas americanaV2
24MallardAnas platyrhynchosP1,W1,R4
25Eastern Spot-billed DuckAnas zonorhynchaP1,W2,R2
26Northern ShovelerAnas clypeataW3
27Northern PintailAnas acutaP2,W2
28GarganeyAnas querquedulaP4
29Baikal TealAnas formosaVU. W1,SV3
30Common TealAnas creccaW2,RV1
31Green-winged TealAnas carolinensisV3
32Red-crested PochardNetta rufinaV2 (So)
33Common PochardAythya ferinaP2, W2,SV3
34Baer's PochardAythya baeriVU. V2
35Ferruginous DuckAythya nyrocaNT: V3 (So)
36Tufted DuckAythya fuligulaP2,W3,SV3
37Greater ScaupAythya marilaW2,SV3
38Harlequin DuckHistrionicus histrionicusW4(br)
39White-winged ScoterMelanitta deglandiW3
40American Scoter (or Black Scoter)Melanitta americanaW4
41Long-tailed DuckClangula hyemalisV1
42Common GoldeneyeBucephala clangulaW3
43SmewMergellus albellusW3
44Common MerganserMergus merganserW3,S5
45Red-breasted MerganserMergus serratorW3
46Scaly-sided MerganserMergus squamatusEN. No:M5, So:W5
47Red-throated LoonGavia stellataP3, W3
48Black-throated LoonGavia arcticaW4
49Pacific LoonGavia pacificaP2, W3
50Yellow-billed LoonGavia adamsiiV2
51Bonin PetrelPterodroma hypoleucaV3 (So)
52Streaked ShearwaterCalonectris leucomelasS2
53Short-tailed ShearwaterPuffinus tenuirostrisP5 / V1
54Flesh-footed ShearwaterPuffinus carneipesP5 / V1
55Swinhoe's Storm PetrelOceanodroma monorhisS4
56Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollisR(m)3
57Red-necked GrebePodiceps grisegenaW4
58Great Crested GrebePodiceps cristatusW3,R5
59Horned GrebePodiceps auritusW4
60Black-necked GrebePodiceps nigricollisW3
61Black StorkCiconia nigraP5,WV1(br)
62Oriental StorkCiconia boycianaEN.W5,SV3(br)
63Black-headed IbisThreskiornis melanocephalusNT. V3
64Eurasian SpoonbillPlatalea leucorodiaW4,RV1
65Black-faced SpoonbillPlatalea minorEN.S4 / 3
66Great BitternBotaurus stellarisW5
67Yellow BitternIxobrychus sinensisS3
68Von Schrenck's Bittern or Shrenck's BitternIxobrychus eurhythmusNT.S5
69Cinnamon BitternIxobrychus cinnamomeusV3 (So)
70Black BitternDupetor flavicollisV3 (So)
71Japanese Night HeronGorsachius goisagiEN. V1(So)
72Malayan Night HeronGorsachius melanolophusV3
73Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticoraxINC.S3,R4
74Striated HeronButorides striataS3
75Chinese Pond HeronArdeola bacchusINC.M5,SV3
76Cattle EgretBubulcus ibisS2
77Grey HeronArdea cinereaS3,W3
78Purple HeronArdea purpureaV1
79Great EgretArdea alba albaW3,SV1
80*Great EgretArdea alba modestaS2,WV1
81(Yellow-billed Egret or) Intermediate EgretEgretta intermediaS3
82Little EgretEgretta garzettaS2,W4
83Pacific Reef HeronEgretta sacraR(m)4
84Chinese EgretEgretta eulophotesVU. S3, WV3
85Great FrigatebirdFregata minorV3(S-C)
86Lesser FrigatebirdFregata arielV2
87Masked BoobySula dactylatraV3(S-C)
88Brown BoobySula leucogasterV3(S-C)
89Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carboW3,R5
90Temminck's CormorantPhalacrocorax capillatusR(m)3
91Pelagic ShagLeucocarbo pelagicusR(m)3
92Common KestrelFalco tinnunculusR(m)3, S2
93Amur FalconFalco amurensisP3
94MerlinFalco columbariusW4
95Eurasian HobbyFalco subbuteoS3
96Saker FalconFalco cherrugV2 / 3
97Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinusR(m)3
98OspreyPandion haliaetusP4,W5(S-C)
99Crested Honey BuzzardPernis ptilorhyncusP3
100Black KiteMilvus migransR(m)4,P4
101White-tailed EagleHaliaeetus albicillaNT.W4,R5(S-C)
102Steller's Sea EagleHaliaeetus pelagicusVU. W5
103Himalayan VultureGyps himalayensisV5
104Cinereous VultureAegypius monachusNT. W3,RV3
105Crested Serpent EagleSpilornis cheelaV3 (So)
106Eastern Marsh HarrierCircus spilonotusP5,W5
107Northern HarrierCircus cyaneusW4
108Pied HarrierCircus melanoleucosP5
109Chinese SparrowhawkAccipiter soloensisP2,S3
110Japanese SparrowhawkAccipiter gularisR(m)4,P3
111Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisusP3,RV2
112Northern GoshawkAccipiter gentilisP3,W3,R5
113Grey-faced BuzzardButastur indicusP3(br),SV3
114Common BuzzardButeo buteoP3, W3,SV3
115Upland BuzzardButeo hemilasiusP4,W5
116Roughleg or Rough-legged BuzzardButeo lagopusW5
117Greater Spotted EagleAquila clangaVU. V1(So)
118Steppe EagleAquila nipalensisV3
119(Asian Imperial Eagle or) Eastern Imperial EagleAquila heliacaVU. V1
120Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosR(m)5, W5
121Bonelli's EagleHieraaetus fasciatusV3
122Booted EagleHieraaetus pennatusV3 (So)
123Great BustardOtis tardaDEC. WV4
124Swinhoe's RailCoturnicops exquisitusVU. V3
125Water RailRallus aquaticusW5
126White-breasted WaterhenAmaurornis phoenicurusINC. P5,SV3,WV3
127Baillon's CrakePorzana pusillaP5
128Ruddy-breasted CrakePorzana fuscaS5
129Band-bellied CrakePorzana paykulliiNT. V2
130WatercockGallicrex cinereaDEC. S4
131Common MoorhenGallinula chloropusINC. S4,R5(S-C)
132Common CootFulica atraW3,R4
133Demoiselle CraneGrus virgoV3
134Siberian CraneGrus leucogeranusCR. V3
135Sandhill CraneGrus canadensisV3
136White-naped CraneGrus vipioVU. P3,W4
137Common CraneGrus grusV1
138Hooded CraneGrus monachaVU. P3,W4
139Red-crowned CraneGrus japonensisEN.W4
140Yellow-legged ButtonquailTurnix tankiP5
141(Eurasian Oystercatcher or) Eastern OystercatcherHaematopus (ostralegus) osculansW3,R(m)4
142Black-winged StiltHimantopus himantopusINC. P5,S5 (So)
143Pied AvocetRecurvirostra avosettaV1
144Northern LapwingVanellus vanellusW4
145Grey-headed LapwingVanellus cinereusP5
146Pacific Golden PloverPluvialis fulvaP4
147Grey PloverPluvialis squatarolaP2,W3
148Common Ringed PloverCharadrius hiaticulaV1
149Long-billed PloverCharadrius placidusR(m)3
150Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubiusP3,S3
151Kentish PloverCharadrius alexandrinusP2,R(m)3,W4
152(Lesser Sand Plover or) Mongolian Sand PloverCharadrius mongolusP2,WV3
153Greater Sand PloverCharadrius leschenaultiiP5
154Oriental PloverCharadrius veredusV2
155Eurasian DotterelCharadrius morinellusV3 (So)
156Greater Painted SnipeRostratula benghalensisR(m)5 (So)
157Pheasant-tailed JacanaHydrophasianus chirurgusINC. V2
158Eurasian WoodcockScolopax rusticolaP4,W5
159Solitary SnipeGallinago solitariaW5,P5
160Latham's SnipeGallinago hardwickiiP5
161(Pin-tailed Snipe) or Pintail SnipeGallinago stenuraP4,WV3
162Swinhoe's SnipeGallinago megalaP4
163Common SnipeGallinago gallinagoP2,W4
164Long-billed DowitcherLimnodromus scolopaceusV2(So)
165Asian DowitcherLimnodromus semipalmatusNT. V2 (So)
166Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosaP2,WV3
167Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponicaP2,WV3
168Little Curlew or Little WhimbrelNumenius minutusP5
169Whimbrel or Eurasian WhimbrelNumenius phaeopusP3,WV3
170Eurasian CurlewNumenius arquataP2,W3, S5
171(Eastern Curlew or) Far Eastern CurlewNumenius madagascariensisP2,S3, WV2
172Spotted RedshankTringa erythropusDEC. P3,W5
173Common RedshankTringa totanusP4, SV2,WV3
174Marsh SandpiperTringa stagnatilisP3
175Common GreenshankTringa nebulariaP2,W5
176Nordmann's GreenshankTringa guttiferEN. P4
177Green SandpiperTringa ochropusP3,W4
178Wood SandpiperTringa glareolaP3
179Terek SandpiperXenus cinereusINC. P2, SV2
180Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucosP3,W4
181Grey-tailed TattlerHeteroscelus brevipesP3
182Ruddy TurnstoneArenaria interpresP3, WV3
183Great KnotCalidris tenuirostrisP1
184Red KnotCalidris canutusP3
185SanderlingCalidris albaP3,W4
186Red-necked StintCalidris ruficollisDEC.P2, S5,WV3
187Little StintCalidris minutaV2
188Temminck's StintCalidris temminckiiP5
189Long-toed StintCalidris subminutaP4
190Pectoral SandpiperCalidris melanotosV1
191Sharp-tailed SandpiperCalidris acuminataP3
192Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferrugineaP5
193DunlinCalidris alpinaDEC. P1,W2, SV2
194Spoon-billed SandpiperEurynorhynchus pygmeusCR.DEC.P4
195Broad-billed SandpiperLimicola falcinellusDEC.P3
196Buff-breasted SandpiperTryngites subruficollisV3 (So)
197RuffPhilomachus pugnaxP5
198Red-necked PhalaropePhalaropus lobatusP3
199Red PhalaropePhalaropus fulicariusV2 (So)
200Oriental PratincoleGlareola maldivarumINC. P5, SV3
201Black-tailed GullLarus crassirostrisS2,W2
202(Mew Gull or) Common GullLarus canusW2
203Glaucous-winged GullLarus glaucescensW5
204Glaucous GullLarus hyperboreusW4, SV3
205Iceland GullLarus glaucoidesV2 (So)
206Thayer's GullLarus thayeriV3 (So)
207(Herring Gull or) American Herring GullLarus (argentatus) smithsonianusV2 (So)
208Vega GullLarus vegaeW2, RV1
209Mongolian GullLarus mongolicusP2,W3,S4
210(Yellow-legged Gull or) Caspian GullLarus cachinnansV3
211Slaty-backed GullLarus schistisagusW3, RV2
212Heuglin's GullLarus heugliniP3,W4
213Great Black-headed or Pallas’s GullLarus ichthyaetusV2 (So)
214(Common Black-headed Gull or) Black-headed GullLarus ridibundusINC. P2,W2, R5
215Slender-billed GullLarus geneiV3 (So)
216Saunders's GullLarus saundersiVU. W3,P3,S4
217Relict GullLarus relictusVU.W5 (So)
218Ross's GullRhodostethia roseaV3 (So)
219Black-legged KittiwakeRissa tridactylaP2,W3
220Gull-billed TernGelochelidon niloticaV3 (So)
221Caspian TernHydroprogne caspiaV2 (So)
222Common TernSterna hirundoP2
223Little TernSternula albifronsS3, WV3
224Bridled TernOnychoprion anaethetusV3 (S-C)
225Sooty TernOnychoprion fuscatusV3 (So)
226Whiskered TernChlidonias hybridaP5,WV3
227White-winged TernChlidonias leucopterusINC. P4
228Black TernChlidonias nigerV3 (So)
229South Polar SkuaStercorarius maccormickiV2 (So)
230Pomarine JaegerStercorarius pomarinusP4, WV3 (So)
231Parasitic JaegerStercorarius parasiticusP5 (So)
232Thick-billed MurreUria lomviaV3 (So)
233Common MurreUria aalgeDEC. V1
234Spectacled GuillemotCepphus carboDEC. R(m)5
235Long-billed MurreletBrachyramphus perdixNT.V1
236Ancient MurreletSynthliboramphus antiquusP2,W2,S4
237(Japanese Murrelet or) Crested MurreletSynthliboramphus wumizusumeVU.V1
238Least AukletAethia pusillaV3 (So)
239Rhinoceros AukletCerorhinca monocerataW3,R(m)5
240Pallas's SandgrouseSyrrhaptes paradoxusV3
241Hill PigeonColumba rupestrisNo:R(m)3, So: R(m)5
242Stock PigeonColumba oenasV3(So)
243(Japanese Wood Pigeon or) Black WoodpigeonColumba janthinaNT. R(m)4(S-C)
244Oriental Turtle Dove or Rufous Turtle DoveStreptopelia orientalisR1,P3
245Eurasian Collared DoveStreptopelia decaoctoV1
246Red Turtle DoveStreptopelia tranquebaricaV2
247Spotted DoveStreptopelia chinensisV3 (S-C)
248White-bellied Green PigeonTreron sieboldiiV2 (So)
249Lesser CoucalCentropus bengalensisV3 (So)
250Chestnut-winged CuckooClamator coromandusV3 (S-C)
251Asian KoelEudynamys scolopaceusV3 (S-C)
252Asian Drongo-CuckooSurniculus lugubrisV3 (S-C)
253Large Hawk-CuckooHierococcyx sparverioidesV3 (So)
254(Rufous Hawk-Cuckoo or) Northern Hawk-CuckooHierococcyx hyperythrusS3
255Lesser CuckooCuculus poliocephalusS4
256Indian CuckooCuculus micropterusS3
257Oriental CuckooCuculus saturatusS2
258Common CuckooCuculus canorusS1
259Grass OwlTyto capensisV3(So)
260Collared Scops Owl or "Northern Scops Owl"Otus bakkamoenaR(m)3,W4
261Oriental Scops OwlOtus suniaP3,S3
262Eurasian Eagle-OwlBubo buboR(m)4
263Tawny OwlStrix alucoR4
264Ural OwlStrix uralensisR5
265Little OwlAthene noctuaR(m)5
266(Brown Hawk-Owl or) Northern BoobookNinox scutulataP4,S4
267Long-eared OwlAsio otusDEC. P5,W5
268Short-eared OwlAsio flammeusP4,W5
269Grey NightjarCaprimulgus indicus jotakaP3,S3
270Himalayan SwiftletAerodramus brevirostrisV2 (So)
271White-throated NeedletailHirundapus caudacutusP3,S4
272Fork-tailed Swift or Pacific SwiftApus pacificusP2,S3
273House SwiftApus nipalensisV1 (So)
274Oriental DollarbirdEurystomus orientalisP3,S3
275Ruddy KingfisherHalcyon coromandaS4
276Black-capped KingfisherHalcyon pileataS3
277Common KingfisherAlcedo atthisS2,R(m)5
278Eurasian HoopoeUpupa epopsP3, S3, WV3
279Eurasian WryneckJynx torquillaP5
280Rufous-bellied WoodpeckerHypopicus hyperythrusV1
281Japanese Pygmy WoodpeckerDendrocopos kizukiINC. R1
282Grey-capped Pygmy WoodpeckerDendrocopos canicapillusDEC. R(m)5
283White-backed WoodpeckerDendrocopos leucotosR(m)3
284Great Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopos majorR(m)2
285Eurasian Three-toed WoodpeckerPicoides tridactylusV5, R5(N-N)
286(White-bellied Woodpecker or) Tristram’s WoodpeckerDryocopus javensisR5 (N-C)
287Black WoodpeckerDryocopus martiusR(m)3
288Grey-headed WoodpeckerPicus canusR(m)3
289Fairy PittaPitta nymphaVU. S5(S-C),PV1
290Black-winged CuckooshrikeCoracina melaschistosV3 (So)
291Ashy MinivetPericrocotus divaricatusP3
292Tiger Shrike or Thick-billed ShrikeLanius tigrinusS4
293Bull-headed ShrikeLanius bucephalusR(m)3
294Brown ShrikeLanius cristatusDEC. P3, S4
295Red-backed ShrikeLanius collurioV3 (S-C)
296Long-tailed ShrikeLanius schachINC. V1
297Great Grey ShrikeLanius excubitorV3
298(Southern Grey Shrike or) Steppe Grey Shrike, Saxaul Grey ShrikeLanius (meridionalis) pallidirostisV3 (so)
299Chinese Grey ShrikeLanius sphenocercusP5, R(m)5,W5
300Black-naped OrioleOriolus chinensisP2,S2
301Black DrongoDicrurus macrocercusP5
302Ashy DrongoDicrurus leucophaeusV2
303Hair-crested DrongoDicrurus hottentottusV3
304Asian Paradise FlycatcherTerpsiphone paradisiV2
305(Japanese Paradise Flycatcher or) Black Paradise FlycatcherTerpsiphone atrocaudataNT. S4
306Eurasian JayGarrulus glandariusR(m)1
307Azure-winged MagpieCyanopica cyanusR(m)2
308Eurasian MagpiePica picaR(m)1
309Spotted NutcrackerNucifraga caryocatactesR(m)4
310Red-billed ChoughPyrrhocorax pyrrhocoraxV3 (So)
311Daurian JackdawCorvus dauuricusR(m)4, P3, W3
312RookCorvus frugilegusP2,W2
313Carrion Crow or Eastern Carrion CrowCorvus coroneR(m)2
314Large-billed CrowCorvus macrorhynchosR(m)2
315Northern RavenCorvus coraxRV5 (N-N)
316Bohemian WaxwingBombycilla garrulusP4,W4
317Japanese WaxwingBombycilla japonicaNT. P4,W4
318Marsh TitPoecile palustrisR1
319Willow TitPoecile montanaR(m)2 (No)
320Varied TitPoecile variaR(m)2
321Coal TitPeriparus aterINC. R(m)1,W1
322Yellow-bellied TitPeriparus venustulusV3 (So)
323Great Tit (or Intermediate Tit)Parus majorR(m)1
324Chinese Penduline TitRemiz consobrinusP3,W4
325Sand MartinRiparia ripariaP4
326Barn SwallowHirundo rusticaDEC. P1, S1, WV3
327Eurasian Crag MartinPtyonoprogne rupestrisV3 (So)
328Common House Martin or Northern House MartinDelichon urbicumV2
329Asian House MartinDelichon dasypusP3,S5,WV3
330Red-rumped SwallowCecropis dauricaDEC. P2,S3
331(Long-tailed Bushtit or) Long-tailed TitAegithalos caudatusR(m)1
332Bimaculated LarkMelanocorypha bimaculataV3 (S-C)
333Greater Short-toed LarkCalandrella brachydactylaP5
334Asian Short-toed LarkCalandrella cheleensisV1
335Crested LarkGalerida cristataDEC. R(m)4
336Eurasian SkylarkAlauda arvensisDEC.R4,W3
337Far Eastern SkylarkAlauda japonicaR(m)3, S3
338Zitting CisticolaCisticola juncidisINC. S4, R(m)5 (So)
339Chinese Hill WarblerRhopophilus pekinensisDEC. No: R5, So: V5
340Light-vented BulbulPycnonotus sinensisINC. SV1, RV3 (So)
341Brown-eared BulbulMicroscelis amaurotisINC. R(m)1, S3,W3
342Asian StubtailUrosphena squameicepsS2
343Japanese Bush WarblerCettia diphoneR(m)3
344(Manchurian Bush Warbler or) Canturian Bush Warbler, Chanting Bush WarblerCettia canturiansV3
345Korean Bush Warbler or Northern Bush WarblerCettia (canturians) borealisS2, WV3
346Baikal Bush WarblerBradypterus davidiNo: S5, So: V3
347Lanceolated WarblerLocustella lanceolataP3
348Pallas's Grasshopper WarblerLocustella certhiolaP3
349Middendorff's Grasshopper WarblerLocustella ochotensisP4
350Styan's Grasshopper Warbler or Pleske’s WarblerLocustella pleskeiVU. So: S3(So), No:V3
351Gray's Grasshopper WarblerLocustella fasciolataP3
352Thick-billed WarblerPhragmaticola aedonP4
353Oriental Reed WarblerAcrocephalus orientalisS2, P3
354Black-browed Reed WarblerAcrocephalus bistrigicepsP3,S4
355Manchurian Reed WarblerAcrocephalus tangorumVU. V3 (So)
356Paddyfield WarblerAcrocephalus agricolaV3 (So)
357Willow WarblerPhylloscopus trochilusV3 (So)
358Common ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybitaV3
359Wood WarblerPhylloscopus sibilatrixV3 (So)
360Dusky WarblerPhylloscopus fuscatusP3,S4, WV3
361Tickell's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus affinisV3 (So)
362Yellow-streaked WarblerPhylloscopus armandiiV3 (So)
363Radde's WarblerPhylloscopus schwarziP3,S4
364Pallas's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus proregulusP3,S4, WV3
365Yellow-browed WarblerPhylloscopus inornatusP1, WV3
366Hume's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus humeiV1(So)
367Arctic WarblerPhylloscopus borealisP2
368(Two-barred Warbler or) Two-barred Greenish WarblerPhylloscopus plumbeitarsusP3,S4
369Pale-legged Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus tenellipesP3, S4
370Sakhalin Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus borealoidesV3 (So)
371Eastern Crowned WarblerPhylloscopus coronatusP2,S2
372Lesser WhitethroatSylvia currucaV3
373Bearded Reedling or Bearded ParrotbillPanurus biarmicusV3 (So)
374Vinous-throated ParrotbillParadoxornis webbianusR(m)1
375Chestnut-flanked White-eyeZosterops erythropleurusP2
376Japanese White-eyeZosterops japonicusR(m)3,P4
377GoldcrestRegulus regulusW2,R(m)5
378Winter WrenTroglodytes troglodytesW2,R(m)3
379Eurasian NuthatchSitta europaeaR2
380Chinese NuthatchSitta villosaR(m)2
381Eurasian TreecreeperCerthia familiarisR(m)3
382Daurian Starling (or Purple-backed Starling)Sturnus sturninusP4,S5
383Chestnut-cheeked StarlingSturnus philippensisP4,S5
384White-shouldered StarlingSturnus sinensisV2 (So)
385Rosy StarlingSturnus roseusV3 (So)
386Red-billed Starling or Silky StarlingSturnus sericeusINC. P5,WV1
387White-cheeked StarlingSturnus cineraceusW2,R(m)2
388Common StarlingSturnus vulgarisINC. W5
389Orange-headed ThrushZoothera citrinaV3 (S-C)
390Siberian ThrushZoothera sibiricaP4, SV3
391White's ThrushZoothera aureaS2,W4
392Grey-backed ThrushTurdus hortulorumINC. P3,S3
393(Japanese Thrush or) Grey ThrushTurdus cardisP5
394(Common Blackbird or) Chinese BlackbirdTurdus merulaINC. P5,SV3,WV3
395Eyebrowed ThrushTurdus obscurusP3
396Pale ThrushTurdus pallidusP2,S3,R(m)4
397Brown-headed ThrushTurdus chrysolausP4
398Black-throated ThrushTurdus atrogularisV2
399Red-throated ThrushTurdus ruficollisV1
400Naumann's ThrushTurdus naumanniP2,W3
401Dusky ThrushTurdus eunomusP2,W4
402Chinese ThrushTurdus mupinensisV3 (So)
403European RobinErithacus rubeculaV3 (So)
404Japanese RobinLuscinia akahigeV1
405BluethroatLuscinia svecicaPV1,WV2
406Siberian RubythroatLuscinia calliopeP3,S4
407Siberian Blue RobinLuscinia cyaneP2,S2
408Rufous-tailed RobinLuscinia sibilansP4
409Red-flanked BluetailTarsiger cyanurusP1,S4,W4
410Black RedstartPhoenicurus ochrurosV2
411Daurian RedstartPhoenicurus auroreusR(m)2,W2
412Plumbeous Water RedstartRhyacornis fuliginosaV3 (So)
413White-capped RedstartChaimarrornis leucocephalusV3 (S-C)
414(Eurasian Stonechat or) Siberian StonechatSaxicola torquatusP1,S2,WV3
415Grey BushchatSaxicola ferreusV3 (So)
416Isabelline WheatearOenanthe isabellinaV3 (So)
417Northern WheatearOenanthe oenantheV3 (S-C)
418Pied WheatearOenanthe pleschankaV2
419Blue Rock ThrushMonticola solitariusS2,R4
420White-throated Rock ThrushMonticola gularisP4,S5
421Grey-streaked FlycatcherMuscicapa griseistictaP3,S5
422Dark-sided FlycatcherMuscicapa sibiricaP3,S5
423Asian Brown FlycatcherMuscicapa dauuricaP2,S4
424Ferruginous FlycatcherMuscicapa ferrugineaV3 (So)
425Yellow-rumped FlycatcherFicedula zanthopygiaP2,S3
426Narcissus FlycatcherFicedula narcissina narcissinaP4
427"Olivey Flycatcher" or "Ryukyu Narcissus Flycatcher"Ficedula (narcissina) owstoniV3(So)
428(Chinese Flycatcher or) Green-backed FlycatcherFicedula elisaeV3(So)
429Mugimaki FlycatcherFicedula mugimakiP2,S5
430Red-breasted FlycatcherFicedula parvaV3(So)
431Taiga FlycatcherFicedula albicillaP4
432Blue-and-white FlycatcherCyanoptila cyanomelanaP2,S2
433Verditer FlycatcherEumyias thalassinusV3(So)
434Hill Blue FlycatcherCyornis banyumasV3(So)
435Brown DipperCinclus pallasiiR(m)2
436House SparrowPasser domesticusV3(S-C)
437Russet SparrowPasser rutilansS4,W4,PV1
438Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanusR(m)1
439Scaly-breasted MuniaLonchura punctulataV3(So)
440Alpine AccentorPrunella collarisR(m)4,W4
441Siberian AccentorPrunella montanellaW2
442Japanese AccentorPrunella rubidaV3(S-C)
443Forest WagtailDendronanthus indicusP4,S4
444Eastern Yellow WagtailMotacilla tschutschensisP2
445Citrine WagtailMotacilla citreolaV1
446Grey WagtailMotacilla cinereaP2,S2,R(m)4
447White WagtailMotacilla albaP1,S2,W2
448Japanese WagtailMotacilla grandisINC. R(m)3
449Richard's PipitAnthus richardiP3
450Blyth's PipitAnthus godlewskiiP5
451Meadow PipitAnthus pratensisV3
452Tree PipitAnthus trivialisV2(So)
453Olive-backed PipitAnthus hodgsoniP1,W3,S5
454Pechora PipitAnthus gustaviP3
455Rosy PipitAnthus roseatusV3(So)
456Red-throated PipitAnthus cervinusP2,WV3
457Buff-bellied Pipit or Siberian Buff-bellied PipitAnthus rubescensP3
458Water PipitAnthus spinolettaV2
459BramblingFringilla montifringillaP1,W2
460Grey-capped GreenfinchCarduelis sinicaR(m)1,W2
461Eurasian SiskinCarduelis spinusP1, W1,SV3
462Common RedpollCarduelis flammeaDEC. V1
463Arctic RedpollCarduelis hornemanniV3
464Asian Rosy FinchLeucosticte arctoaWV2
465Long-tailed RosefinchUragus sibiricusW3,R(m)4
466Common RosefinchCarpodacus erythrinusP4,S5,WV1
467Pallas's RosefinchCarpodacus roseusW3,S5
468Red CrossbillLoxia curvirostraW3,R(m)5
469Eurasian BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhulaW3
470HawfinchCoccothraustes coccothraustesW2
471(Yellow-billed Grosbeak or) Chinese GrosbeakEophona migratoriaS2,W5
472Japanese GrosbeakEophona personataP5,WV3
473YellowhammerEmberiza citrinellaV3(So)
474Pine BuntingEmberiza leucocephalosPV1,WV2
475Meadow BuntingEmberiza cioidesR(m)1
476Tristram's BuntingEmberiza tristramiP2,S3,WV2
477Chestnut-eared BuntingEmberiza fucataP3,S3,W4
478Little BuntingEmberiza pusillaP3,W4
479Yellow-browed BuntingEmberiza chrysophrysP3
480Rustic BuntingEmberiza rusticaP1,W1
481Yellow-throated BuntingEmberiza elegansW1,P2,R(m)2
482Yellow-breasted BuntingEmberiza aureolaNT.DEC. P4
483Chestnut BuntingEmberiza rutilaDEC.P3, WV3
484Black-headed BuntingEmberiza melanocephalaV3(So)
485Red-headed BuntingEmberiza brunicepsV3(So)
486Yellow Bunting or Japanese Yellow BuntingEmberiza sulphurataVU. P5
487Black-faced BuntingEmberiza spodocephalaP1,S3,W4
488Grey BuntingEmberiza variabilisP5,W5(So)
489Pallas's Reed BuntingEmberiza pallasiP2,W3
490(Japanese Reed Bunting or)Ochre-rumped BuntingEmberiza yessoensisNT. P5,W5
491(Common Reed Bunting or) Eurasian Reed BuntingEmberiza schoeniclusW3
492Lapland LongspurCalcarius lapponicusW2
493Snow BuntingPlectrophenax nivalisV3
494White-crowned SparrowZonotrichia leucophrysV3(So)
495Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensisV3(So)

Category 2:

Contains those species which were recorded reliably in the period between the start of ornithological activity in Korea (in the 1880s) and 1979, but not subsequently, with all such species supported by extant specimens or by adequate detail in the literature.

496Crested ShelduckTadorna cristataCR. 3, 1916
497Short-tailed AlbatrossPhoebastria albatrusVU. 3, 1891
498Crested IbisNipponia nipponEN. DEC. >100, 1979.
499Dalmatian PelicanPelecanus crispusVU. 2, 1978 (So)
500Bearded Vulture or LammergeierGypaetus barbatus3, 1918
501Mountain Hawk-EagleSpizaetus nipalensis3, 1934
502Jack SnipeLymnocryptes minimus1, 1916(So)
503Snowy OwlBubo scandiacus2, 1912
504Northern Hawk OwlSurnia ulula10, 1967(No)
505Crested KingfisherMegaceryle lugubris8, 1949
506Lesser Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopos minor39, 1970(No)
507Marsh Grassbird (or Japanese Marsh Warbler)Locustella pryeriVU. 1, 1962(So)
508Pine GrosbeakPinicola enucleator1, 1959(No)
509Two-barred CrossbillLoxia leucoptera1, 1969(So)
510Jankowski's BuntingEmberiza jankowskii6, 1929?(No)

Category 3:

Contains all those species recorded by single experienced observers, with such observations unsupported by recognisable photographs, sound recordings or specimens; those species seen by multiple observers, but to a level considered inadequate to claim a national first record; and in a few cases, species plausibly identified through specimens which are now lost, or are in too poor condition, or are too inaccessible, to re-evaluate.

511Emperor GooseChen canagicaNT. V3 (So)
512CanvasbackAythya valisineriaV3 (So)
513RedheadAythya americanaV3 (So)
514Barrow's GoldeneyeBucephala islandicaV3 (So)
515Sooty ShearwaterPuffinus griseusV3 (So)
516Lesser KestrelFalco naumanniVU. V3 (So)
517Black BazaAviceda leuphotesV3 (So)
518American Golden PloverPluvialis dominicaV5 (So)
519Hudsonian GodwitLimosa haemasticaV3 (So)
520Greater YellowlegsTringa melanoleucaV3 (So)
521Wandering TattlerTringa incanaV3 (No)
522Western SandpiperCalidris mauriV3 (No)
523Wilson's PhalaropePhalaropus tricolorV3 (So)
524Ring-billed GullLarus delawarensisV3 (So)
525Ivory GullPagophila eburneaV3 (So)
526Sabine's GullXema sabiniV3 (So)
527Swift Tern or Greater Crested TernSterna bergiiV3 (So)
528Aleutian TernSterna aleuticaV3 (So)
529Long-tailed JaegerStercorarius longicaudusV3 (So)
530Pigeon GuillemotCepphus columbaV3 (So)
531Greater CoucalCentropus sinensisV5 (So)
532Common SwiftApus apusV3 (So)
533Ryukyu MinivetPericrocotus tegimaeV3 (So)
534Azure TitCyanistes cyanusV3 (So)
535Chinese Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus yunnanensisV3 (So)
536RedwingTurdus iliacusV3 (So)
537Ortolan BuntingEmberiza hortulanaV3 (So)

Category 4:

Contains species that are listed in the Korean National Parks Association Checklist (2006), where evidence seems to be lacking appropriate to their inclusion in Category 1, 2 or 3 of the Birds Korea Checklist, including those species likely originating from non-wild sources.

538American Black DuckAnas rubripesV4 (So)
539Whiskered AukletAethia pygmaea?
540Rock PigeonColumba liviaR(m)2
541White-breasted WoodswallowArtamus leucorynchusV3