The Birds Korea Checklist for the Republic of Korea: April 2014
Category 1:
Species of bird (and their subspecies) recorded in the Republic of Korea since 1980, documented with identifiable photographs, sound recordings or specimens.
Anatidae Ducks, Geese & Swans | GCS | Status | Breeds |
1 | Swan Goose | Anser cygnoides |  | P4, W5 | 0 |
2 | Taiga Bean Goose | Anser fabalis |  | P2, W3, SV2 | 0 |
| | A. f. middendorffii | | P2, W3, SV2 | 0 |
3 | Tundra Bean Goose | Anser serrirostris |  | P1, W2, SV2 | 0 |
| | A. s. serrirostris | | P1, W2, SV2 | 0 |
4 | Greylag Goose | Anser anser |  | V2 | 0 |
| | A. a. rubrirostris | | V2 | 0 |
5 | Greater White-fronted Goose | Anser albifrons |  | P1, W2, SV1 | 0 |
| | A. a. ● frontalis / albicans | | P1, W2, SV1 | 0 |
| | A. a. albifrons | | W5 | 0 |
6 | Lesser White-fronted Goose | Anser erythropus |  | P5, W5 | 0 |
7 | Bar-headed Goose | Anser indicus |  | V2 | 0 |
8 | Snow Goose | Chen caerulescens |  | WV1 | 0 |
| | C. c. caerulescens | | WV1 | 0 |
9 | Emperor Goose | Chen canagica |  | V2 | 0 |
10 | Cackling Goose | Branta hutchinsii |  | WV1 | 0 |
| | B. h. leucopareia | | WV1 | 0 |
| | B. h. minima | | WV1 | 0 |
11 | Brant Goose | Branta bernicla |  | W5 | 0 |
| | B. b. nigricans | | W5 | 0 |
12 | Red-breasted Goose | Branta ruficollis |  | V2 | 0 |
13 | Mute Swan | Cygnus olor |  | V1 | 0 |
14 | Tundra Swan | Cygnus columbianus |  | W5 | 0 |
| | C. c. bewickii | | W5 | 0 |
15 | Whooper Swan | Cygnus cygnus |  | W3, SV2 | 0 |
16 | Common Shelduck | Tadorna tadorna |  | W2, SV2 | 0 |
17 | Ruddy Shelduck | Tadorna ferruginea |  | W3, SV2 | 0 |
18 | Mandarin Duck | Aix galericulata |  | R3, W3 | 1 |
19 | Gadwall | Anas strepera |  | W3, SV2 | 0 |
| | A. s. strepera | | W3, SV2 | 0 |
20 | Falcated Duck | Anas falcata |  | W3, SV1 | 2 |
21 | Eurasian Wigeon | Anas penelope |  | P2, W2, SV1 | 0 |
22 | American Wigeon | Anas americana |  | WV1 | 0 |
23 | Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos |  | W1, S4 | 1 |
| | A. p. platyrhynchos | | W1, S4 | 1 |
24 | Eastern Spot-billed Duck | Anas zonorhyncha |  | W1, R2 | 1 |
25 | Northern Shoveler | Anas clypeata |  | W3, SV2 | 0 |
26 | Northern Pintail | Anas acuta |  | P2, W2, SV2 | 0 |
27 | Garganey | Anas querquedula |  | P4 | 0 |
28 | Baikal Teal | Anas formosa |  | W1, SV2 | 0 |
29 | Eurasian Teal | Anas crecca |  | W2, SV1 | 0 |
| | A. c. crecca | | W2, SV1 | 0 |
30 | Green-winged Teal | Anas carolinensis |  | V2 | 0 |
31 | Red-crested Pochard | Netta rufina |  | WV1 | 0 |
32 | Common Pochard | Aythya ferina |  | W2, SV2 | 0 |
33 | Baer's Pochard | Aythya baeri |  | V1 | 0 |
34 | Ferruginous Duck | Aythya nyroca |  | V1 | 0 |
35 | Ring-necked Duck | Aythya collaris |  | V2 | 0 |
36 | Tufted Duck | Aythya fuligula |  | P2, W3, SV2 | 0 |
37 | Greater Scaup | Aythya marila |  | W2, SV2 | 0 |
| | A. m. nearctica | | W2, SV2 | 0 |
38 | Lesser Scaup | Aythya affinis |  | V2 | 0 |
39 | King Eider | Somateria spectabilis |  | V2 | 0 |
40 | Harlequin Duck | Histrionicus histrionicus |  | W4 | 0 |
41 | White-winged Scoter | Melanitta deglandi |  | W3 | 0 |
| | M. d. stejnegeri | | W3 | 0 |
42 | Black Scoter | Melanitta americana |  | W4 | 0 |
| PA: American Scoter | |
43 | Long-tailed Duck | Clangula hyemalis |  | WV1 | 0 |
44 | Bufflehead | Bucephala albeola |  | V2 | 0 |
45 | Common Goldeneye | Bucephala clangula |  | W3 | 0 |
| | B. c. clangula | | W3 | 0 |
46 | Smew | Mergellus albellus |  | W3 | 0 |
47 | Common Merganser | Mergus merganser |  | W2, R5 | 1 |
| | M. m. orientalis | | W2, R5 | 1 |
48 | Red-breasted Merganser | Mergus serrator |  | W3, SV2 | 0 |
49 | Scaly-sided Merganser | Mergus squamatus |  | W4, P5 | 0 |
Podicipedidae Grebes | GCS | Status | Breeds |
63 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |  | W3, R3 | 1 |
| | T. r. poggei | | W3, R3 | 1 |
64 | Red-necked Grebe | Podiceps grisegena |  | W3 | 0 |
| | P. g. holbollii | | W3 | 0 |
65 | Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus |  | W2, R5 | 1 |
| | P. c. cristatus | | W2, R5 | 1 |
66 | Horned Grebe | Podiceps auritus |  | W4, SV2 | 0 |
| NL: (Slavonian Grebe) | |
| | P. a. auritus | | W4, SV2 | 0 |
67 | Black-necked Grebe | Podiceps nigricollis |  | W3 | 0 |
| NL: (Eared Grebe) | |
| | P. n. nigricollis | | W3 | 0 |
Ardeidae Herons, Bitterns | GCS | Status | Breeds |
73 | Eurasian Bittern | Botaurus stellaris |  | W5, P5 | 0 |
| | B. s. stellaris | | W5, P5 | 0 |
74 | Yellow Bittern | Ixobrychus sinensis |  | S3 | 1 |
75 | Von Schrenck's Bittern | Ixobrychus eurhythmus |  | S5 | 1 |
76 | Cinnamon Bittern | Ixobrychus cinnamomeus |  | V1 | 0 |
77 | Black Bittern | Dupetor flavicollis |  | PV1 | 0 |
| | D. f. flavicollis | | PV1 | 0 |
78 | Japanese Night Heron | Gorsachius goisagi |  | V1 | 1 |
79 | Malayan Night Heron | Gorsachius melanolophus |  | V2 | 0 |
80 | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax |  | S3, R5 | 1 |
| | N. n. nycticorax | | S3, R5 | 1 |
81 | Striated Heron | Butorides striata |  | S3, WV2 | 1 |
| | B. s. amurensis | | S3, WV2 | 1 |
82 | Chinese Pond Heron | Ardeola bacchus |  | P4, S5, WV2 | 1 |
83 | Eastern Cattle Egret | Bubulcus coromandus |  | S3 | 1 |
84 | Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea |  | S2, R3, P3 | 1 |
| | A. c. jouyi | | S2, R3, P3 | 1 |
85 | Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea |  | PV1 | 0 |
| | A. p. manilensis | | PV1 | 0 |
86 | Great Egret | Ardea alba |  | S2, P3, W3 | 1 |
| PA: Western Great Egret | A. a. alba | | W3, SV1 | 0 |
| PA: Eastern Great Egret | A. m. modesta | | S2, W5 | 1 |
87 | Intermediate Egret | Egretta intermedia |  | S3 | 1 |
| | E. i. intermedia | | S3 | 1 |
88 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |  | S2, W4 | 1 |
| | E. g. garzetta | | S2, W4 | 1 |
89 | Pacific Reef Heron | Egretta sacra |  | R4 | 1 |
| PA: Pacific Reef Egret | |
| | E. s. sacra | | R4 | 1 |
90 | Chinese Egret | Egretta eulophotes |  | S4, WV2 | 1 |
Phalacrocoracidae Cormorants, shags | GCS | Status | Breeds |
96 | Pelagic Cormorant | Phalacrocorax pelagicus |  | R4, W3 | 1 |
| | P. p. pelagicus | | R4, W3 | 1 |
97 | Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo |  | W3, R3 | 1 |
| | P. c. hanedae | | DD | DD |
| | P. c. sinensis | | W3, R4 | 1 |
98 | Japanese Cormorant | Phalacrocorax capillatus |  | R3, W3 | 1 |
| PA: Temminck's Cormorant | |
Pandionidae Ospreys | GCS | Status | Breeds |
99 | Western Osprey | Pandion haliaetus |  | P4, W5, SV2 | 0 |
| | P. h. haliaetus | | P4, W5, SV2 | 0 |
Accipitridae Kites, Hawks & Eagles | GCS | Status | Breeds |
100 | Black-winged Kite | Elanus caeruleus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | E. c. vociferus | | V2 | 0 |
101 | Bearded Vulture | Gypaetus barbatus |  | V2 | 0 |
| NL: (Lammergeier) | |
| | G. b. aureus | | V2 | 0 |
102 | Crested Honey Buzzard | Pernis ptilorhynchus |  | P3, S5 | 1 |
| | P. p. orientalis | | P3, S5 | 1 |
103 | Himalayan Vulture | Gyps himalayensis |  | V2 | 0 |
104 | Cinereous Vulture | Aegypius monachus |  | W3, SV2 | 0 |
105 | Crested Serpent Eagle | Spilornis cheela |  | V2 | 0 |
| | S. c. ricketti? | | V2 | 0 |
106 | Greater Spotted Eagle | Clanga clanga |  | P5, WV1, SV2 | 0 |
107 | Booted Eagle | Hieraaetus pennatus |  | V2 | 0 |
108 | Steppe Eagle | Aquila nipalensis |  | V1 | 0 |
| | A. n. nipalensis | | V1 | 0 |
109 | Eastern Imperial Eagle | Aquila heliaca |  | V1 | 0 |
110 | Golden Eagle | Aquila chrysaetos |  | W5, SV2 | 3 |
| | A. c. japonica | | W5, SV2 | 3 |
111 | Bonelli's Eagle | Aquila fasciata |  | V2 | 0 |
| | A. f. fasciata | | V2 | 0 |
112 | Chinese Sparrowhawk | Accipiter soloensis |  | P3, S4 | 1 |
113 | Japanese Sparrowhawk | Accipiter gularis |  | P3, R4 | 1 |
| | A. g. gularis | | P3, R4 | 1 |
114 | Eurasian Sparrowhawk | Accipiter nisus |  | P3, W3 | 0 |
| | A. n. nisosimilis | | P3, W3 | 0 |
115 | Northern Goshawk | Accipiter gentilis |  | P3, W3, R5 | 1 |
| | A. g. albidus | | DD | 0 |
| | A. g. schvedowi | | P3, W3, R5 | 1 |
| | A. g. fujiyamae | | W5 | 0 |
116 | Eastern Marsh Harrier | Circus spilonotus |  | P5, WV1 | 0 |
117 | Hen Harrier | Circus cyaneus |  | P5, W4 | 0 |
118 | Pied Harrier | Circus melanoleucos |  | P5 | 0 |
119 | Black Kite | Milvus migrans |  | W4, P4, R5 | 1 |
| NL: (Black-eared Kite) | M. m. lineatus | | W4, P4, R5 | 1 |
120 | White-tailed Eagle | Haliaeetus albicilla |  | W4, RV1 | 1 |
| | H. a. albicilla | | W4, RV1 | 1 |
121 | Steller's Sea Eagle | Haliaeetus pelagicus |  | W5 | 0 |
122 | Grey-faced Buzzard | Butastur indicus |  | P2, S5 | 1 |
123 | Rough-legged Buzzard | Buteo lagopus |  | W5 | 0 |
| | B. l. menzbieri | | W5 | 0 |
| | B. l. kamtschatkensis | | V2 | 0 |
124 | Upland Buzzard | Buteo hemilasius |  | P4, W5 | 0 |
125 | Eastern Buzzard | Buteo japonicus |  | P3, W3, SV2 | 0 |
| | B. j. japonicus | | P3, W3, SV2 | 0 |
Haematopodidae Oystercatchers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
143 | Eurasian Oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus |  | W3, R4 | 1 |
| PA: Far Eastern Oystercatcher | ● H. (o.) osculans | | W3, R4 | 1 |
Charadriidae Plovers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
146 | Northern Lapwing | Vanellus vanellus |  | W4 | 0 |
147 | Grey-headed Lapwing | Vanellus cinereus |  | V1 | 0 |
148 | Pacific Golden Plover | Pluvialis fulva |  | P4 | 0 |
149 | Grey Plover | Pluvialis squatarola |  | P3, W3 | 0 |
| | P. s. squatarola | | P3, W3 | 0 |
| | P. s. tomkovichi | | DD | 0 |
150 | Common Ringed Plover | Charadrius hiaticula |  | V1 | 0 |
| | C. h. tundrae | | V1 | 0 |
151 | Long-billed Plover | Charadrius placidus |  | R3 | 1 |
152 | Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius |  | P3, S3, WV2 | 1 |
| | C. d. curonicus | | P3, S3, WV2 | 1 |
153 | Kentish Plover | Charadrius alexandrinus |  | P2, S4, W4 | 1 |
| | C. a. nihonensis | | P2, S4, W4 | 1 |
| PA: White-faced Plover | C. a. dealbatus | | V2 | 0 |
154 | Lesser Sand Plover | Charadrius mongolus |  | P3, WV1 | 0 |
| PA: Mongolian Plover | C. m. mongolus | | P3, WV1 | 0 |
| PA: Mongolian Plover | C. m. stegmanni | | P5 | 0 |
155 | Greater Sand Plover | Charadrius leschenaultii |  | P5 | 0 |
| | C. l. leschenaultii | | P5 | 0 |
156 | Oriental Plover | Charadrius veredus |  | V1 | 0 |
157 | Eurasian Dotterel | Charadrius morinellus |  | V2 | 0 |
Scolopacidae Sandpipers, Snipes | GCS | Status | Breeds |
160 | Eurasian Woodcock | Scolopax rusticola |  | P4, W4 | 0 |
161 | Jack Snipe | Lymnocryptes minimus |  | V2 | 0 |
162 | Solitary Snipe | Gallinago solitaria |  | W5 | 0 |
| | G. s. japonica | | W5 | 0 |
163 | Latham's Snipe | Gallinago hardwickii |  | P5 | 0 |
164 | Pin-tailed Snipe | Gallinago stenura |  | P4, WV2 | 0 |
165 | Swinhoe's Snipe | Gallinago megala |  | P4 | 0 |
166 | Common Snipe | Gallinago gallinago |  | P3, W5 | 0 |
| | G. g. gallinago | | P3, W5 | 0 |
167 | Long-billed Dowitcher | Limnodromus scolopaceus |  | V1 | 0 |
168 | Asian Dowitcher | Limnodromus semipalmatus |  | PV1 | 0 |
169 | Black-tailed Godwit | Limosa limosa |  | P3, SV1,WV2 | 0 |
| | L. l. limosa | | DD | 0 |
| | L. l. melanuroides | | P3, SV1 | 0 |
170 | Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica |  | P2, SV2, WV2 | 0 |
| | L. l. menzbieri | | P2, WV2 | 0 |
| | L. l. baueri | | P2 | 0 |
171 | Little Curlew | Numenius minutus |  | P5 | 0 |
| PA: Little Whimbrel | |
172 | Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus |  | P3, SV2, WV2 | 0 |
| | N. p. variegatus | | P3, SV2, WV2 | 0 |
173 | Eurasian Curlew | Numenius arquata |  | P3, W3, S5 | 0 |
| | N. a. orientalis | | P3, W3, S5 | 0 |
174 | Far Eastern Curlew | Numenius madagascariensis |  | P3, S4, WV1 | 0 |
175 | Spotted Redshank | Tringa erythropus |  | P4, W5 | 0 |
176 | Common Redshank | Tringa totanus |  | P4, S5, WV2 | 1 |
| | T. t. ussuriensis | | P4, S5, WV2 | 1 |
177 | Marsh Sandpiper | Tringa stagnatilis |  | P4 | 0 |
178 | Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia |  | P3, W5 | 0 |
179 | Nordmann's Greenshank | Tringa guttifer |  | P5 | 0 |
180 | Green Sandpiper | Tringa ochropus |  | P3, W4 | 0 |
181 | Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola |  | P3 | 0 |
182 | Grey-tailed Tattler | Tringa brevipes |  | P3 | 0 |
183 | Terek Sandpiper | Xenus cinereus |  | P2, SV2 | 0 |
184 | Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos |  | P3, S4, W4 | 1 |
185 | Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres |  | P3, WV2 | 0 |
| | A. i. interpres | | P3, WV2 | 0 |
186 | Great Knot | Calidris tenuirostris |  | P2 | 0 |
187 | Red Knot | Calidris canutus |  | P4 | 0 |
| | C. c. piersmai | | DD | 0 |
| | C. c. rogersi | | P4 | 0 |
188 | Sanderling | Calidris alba |  | P3, W4 | 0 |
| | C. a. rubida / alba | | P3, W4 | 0 |
189 | Red-necked Stint | Calidris ruficollis |  | P2, WV2 | 0 |
190 | Little Stint | Calidris minuta |  | V1 | 0 |
191 | Temminck's Stint | Calidris temminckii |  | P4, WV2 | 0 |
192 | Long-toed Stint | Calidris subminuta |  | P4 | 0 |
193 | Pectoral Sandpiper | Calidris melanotos |  | V1 | 0 |
194 | Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Calidris acuminata |  | P3 | 0 |
195 | Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea |  | P5 | 0 |
196 | Dunlin | Calidris alpina |  | P1, W2 | 0 |
| | C. a. sakhalina | | DD | 0 |
| | C. a. kistchinski | | DD | 0 |
| | C. a. actites | | DD | 0 |
| | C. a. arcticola | | DD | 0 |
| | C. a. hudsonia | | V2 | 0 |
197 | Spoon-billed Sandpiper | Eurynorhynchus pygmeus |  | P5 | 0 |
198 | Broad-billed Sandpiper | Limicola falcinellus |  | P3 | 0 |
| | L. f. sibirica | | P3 | 0 |
199 | Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Tryngites subruficollis |  | V2 | 0 |
200 | Ruff | Philomachus pugnax |  | P5, WV2 | 0 |
201 | Red-necked Phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus |  | P3 | 0 |
202 | Red Phalarope | Phalaropus fulicarius |  | V1 | 0 |
Glareolidae Coursers, Pratincoles | GCS | Status | Breeds |
203 | Oriental Pratincole | Glareola maldivarum |  | P5, SV2 | 2 |
Laridae Gulls, Terns & Skimmers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
204 | Black-legged Kittiwake | Rissa tridactyla |  | P2, W3 | 0 |
| | R. t. pollicaris | | P2, W3 | 0 |
205 | Slender-billed Gull | Chroicocephalus genei |  | V2 | 0 |
206 | Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus ridibundus |  | P2, W2, S5 | 0 |
207 | Saunders's Gull | Chroicocephalus saundersi |  | W3, P3, S4 | 1 |
208 | Relict Gull | Ichthyaetus relictus |  | WV1 | 0 |
209 | Pallas's Gull | Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus |  | V1 | 0 |
210 | Black-tailed Gull | Larus crassirostris |  | S2, W2 | 1 |
211 | Mew Gull | Larus canus |  | W2 | 0 |
| PA: Common Gull | |
| NL: (Eastern Common Gull) | L. c. heinei | | W4 | 0 |
| NL: (Kamchatka Gull) | L. c. kamtschatschensis | | W2 | 0 |
212 | Glaucous-winged Gull | Larus glaucescens |  | W5 | 0 |
213 | Glaucous Gull | Larus hyperboreus |  | W4, SV2 | 0 |
| | L. h. pallidissimus | | W4, SV2 | 0 |
| | L. h. barrovianus | | WV2 | 0 |
214 | Iceland Gull | Larus glaucoides |  | WV1 | 0 |
| PA: Kumlien's Gull | L. g. kumlieni | | WV2 | 0 |
| | L. g. glaucoides | | WV1 | 0 |
215 | Thayer's Gull | Larus thayeri |  | WV1 | 0 |
216 | American Herring Gull | Larus smithsonianus |  | WV1 | 0 |
217 | Vega Gull | Larus vegae |  | W2, P2, S5 | 0 |
| | L. v. vegae | | W2, P2, S5 | 0 |
| | L. v. ● birulai | | W4 | 0 |
218 | ● Mongolian Gull | ● Larus mongolicus |  | P2, W3, S4 | 1 |
219 | Caspian Gull | Larus cachinnans |  | V1 | 0 |
220 | Slaty-backed Gull | Larus schistisagus |  | W3, SV1 | 0 |
221 | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Larus fuscus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | L. f. fuscus | | V2 | 0 |
222 | ● Heuglin's Gull | ● Larus heuglini |  | P3, W3 | 0 |
| PA: Taimyr Gull | ● L. h. taimyrensis | | P3, W3 | 0 |
| PA: Steppe Gull | L. h. barabensis | | V1 | 0 |
| PA: "Yellow Sea Gull" | L. (h.) Subsp. | | W5 | DD |
223 | Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica |  | V1 | 0 |
| | G. n. affinis | | V1 | 0 |
224 | Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia |  | V1 | 0 |
225 | Greater Crested Tern | Thalasseus bergii |  | V2 | 0 |
| | T. b. cristatus | | V2 | 0 |
226 | Little Tern | Sternula albifrons |  | S3, WV2 | 1 |
| | S. a. sinensis | | S3, WV2 | 1 |
227 | Bridled Tern | Onychoprion anaethetus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | O. a. anaethetus | | V2 | 0 |
228 | Sooty Tern | Onychoprion fuscatus |  | V1 | 0 |
| | O. f. nubilosus | | V1 | 0 |
229 | Roseate Tern | Sterna dougallii |  | V2 | 0 |
| | S. d. bangsi | | V2 | 0 |
230 | Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |  | P2, SV2 | 0 |
| | S. h. minussensis | | V1 | 0 |
| | S. h. longipennis | | P2, SV2 | 0 |
231 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida |  | P5, WV1 | 0 |
| | C. h. hybrida | | P5, WV1 | 0 |
232 | White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus |  | P4 | 0 |
233 | Black Tern | Chlidonias niger |  | V2 | 0 |
| | C. n. niger | | V2 | 0 |
Tytonidae Barn Owls | GCS | Status | Breeds |
263 | Eastern Grass Owl | Tyto longimembris |  | V2 | 0 |
| | T. l. chinensis | | V2 | 0 |
Caprimulgidae Nightjars | GCS | Status | Breeds |
274 | Grey Nightjar | Caprimulgus jotaka |  | P3, S3 | 1 |
| | C. j. jotaka | | P3, S3 | 1 |
Coraciidae Rollers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
280 | Oriental Dollarbird | Eurystomus orientalis |  | P3, S3 | 1 |
| | E. o. cyanicollis | | P3, S3 | 1 |
Upupidae Hoopoes | GCS | Status | Breeds |
284 | Eurasian Hoopoe | Upupa epops |  | S3, WV1 | 1 |
| | U. e. epops | | S3, WV1 | 1 |
Falconidae Caracaras, Falcons | GCS | Status | Breeds |
294 | Common Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus |  | W3, P3, R4 | 1 |
| | F. t. perpallidus | | W4 | 0 |
| | F. t. interstinctus | | W3, P3, R4 | 1 |
295 | Amur Falcon | Falco amurensis |  | P4 | 0 |
296 | Merlin | Falco columbarius |  | W5, P5 | 0 |
| | F. c. insignis | | W5, P5 | 0 |
| | F. c. pacificus | | DD | 0 |
297 | Eurasian Hobby | Falco subbuteo |  | P3, S4 | 1 |
| | F. s. subbuteo | | P3, S4 | 1 |
298 | Saker Falcon | Falco cherrug |  | V1 | 0 |
| | F. c. coatsi | | V1 | 0 |
299 | Gyrfalcon | Falco rusticolus |  | V2 | 0 |
300 | Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus |  | R3, W4, P4 | 1 |
| | F. p. pealei | | DD | 0 |
| | F. p. japonensis | | R3, W4, P4 | 1 |
Laniidae Shrikes | GCS | Status | Breeds |
307 | Tiger Shrike | Lanius tigrinus |  | P4, S4 | 1 |
| NL: (Thick-billed Shrike) | |
308 | Bull-headed Shrike | Lanius bucephalus |  | R2, P4 | 1 |
| | L. b. bucephalus | | R2, P4 | 1 |
309 | Brown Shrike | Lanius cristatus |  | P3, S5 | 1 |
| | L. c. cristatus | | P5 | 0 |
| | L. c. confusus | | P3 | 2 |
| | L. c. lucionensis | | P4, S5 | 1 |
| | L. c. superciliosus | | V2 | 0 |
310 | Red-backed Shrike | Lanius collurio |  | V2 | 0 |
| | L. c. collurio | | V2 | 0 |
311 | Long-tailed Shrike | Lanius schach |  | P5, WV1, SV2 | 0 |
| | L. s. schach | | P5, WV1, SV2 | 0 |
312 | Great Grey Shrike | Lanius excubitor |  | V2 | 0 |
| | L. e. bianchi | | V2 | 0 |
| | L. e. mollis | | V2 | 0 |
| | L. e. sibiricus | | V2 | 0 |
313 | Steppe Grey Shrike | Lanius pallidirostris |  | V2 | 0 |
314 | Chinese Grey Shrike | Lanius sphenocercus |  | P5, W5, RV2 | 2 |
| | L. s. sphenocercus | | P5, W5, RV2 | 2 |
Oriolidae Figbirds, Orioles | GCS | Status | Breeds |
315 | Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis |  | S2, P2 | 1 |
| | O. c. diffusus | | S2, P2 | 1 |
Dicruridae Drongos | GCS | Status | Breeds |
316 | Black Drongo | Dicrurus macrocercus |  | P5 | 0 |
| | D. m. cathoecus | | P5 | 0 |
317 | Ashy Drongo | Dicrurus leucophaeus |  | V1 | 0 |
| | D. l. leucogenis | | V1 | 0 |
318 | Hair-crested Drongo | Dicrurus hottentottus |  | V1 | 0 |
| | D. h. brevirostris | | V1 | 0 |
Corvidae Crows, Jays | GCS | Status | Breeds |
321 | Eurasian Jay | Garrulus glandarius |  | R1 | 1 |
| | G. g. brandtii | | R1 | 1 |
322 | Azure-winged Magpie | Cyanopica cyanus |  | R2 | 1 |
| | C. c. koreensis | | R2 | 1 |
323 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica |  | R1 | 1 |
| PA: "Korean Magpie" | P. p. sericea | | R1 | 1 |
324 | Spotted Nutcracker | Nucifraga caryocatactes |  | R5 | 2 |
| | N. c. macrorhynchos | | R5 | 2 |
325 | Daurian Jackdaw | Coloeus dauuricus |  | P4, W4 | 0 |
326 | House Crow | Corvus splendens |  | V2 | 0 |
| | C. s. insolens | | V2 | 0 |
327 | Rook | Corvus frugilegus |  | W2, P2 | 0 |
| | C. f. pastinator | | W2, P2 | 0 |
328 | Carrion Crow | Corvus corone |  | W3, R4 | 1 |
| PA: "Oriental Crow " | C. (c.) orientalis | | W3, R4 | 1 |
329 | Large-billed Crow | Corvus macrorhynchos |  | R1 | 1 |
| | C. m. japonensis | | R2 | 1 |
| | C. m. mandshuricus | | R2 | 1 |
Paridae Tits, chickadees | GCS | Status | Breeds |
332 | Coal Tit | Periparus ater |  | R1, W1 | 1 |
| | P. a. ater | | R1, W1 | 1 |
| | P. a. insularis | | DD | DD |
333 | Yellow-bellied Tit | Pardaliparus venustulus |  | P5, W5 | 2 |
334 | Varied Tit | Sittiparus varius |  | R1 | 1 |
| | S. v. varius | | R1 | 1 |
335 | Marsh Tit | Poecile palustris |  | R1 | 1 |
| | P. p. hellmayri | | R1 | 1 |
336 | Willow Tit | Poecile montanus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. m. baicalensis | | V2 | 0 |
337 | Great Tit | Parus major |  | V2 | 0 |
| PA: Northern Great Tit | |
| | P. m. kapustini | | V2 | 0 |
338 | Japanese Tit | Parus minor |  | R1, W1 | 1 |
| PA: Eastern Great Tit | |
| PA: Eastern Great Tit | P. m. minor | | R1, W1 | 1 |
| PA: Eastern Great Tit | P. m. dageletensis | | DD | 1 |
Panuridae Bearded Reedling | GCS | Status | Breeds |
340 | Bearded Reedling | Panurus biarmicus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. b. russicus | | V2 | 0 |
Pycnonotidae Bulbuls | GCS | Status | Breeds |
347 | Light-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus sinensis |  | S4, P5, R5 | 1 |
| | P. s. sinensis | | S4, P5, R5 | 1 |
348 | Brown-eared Bulbul | Hypsipetes amaurotis |  | R1, P2 | 1 |
| | H. a. amaurotis | | R1, P2 | 1 |
Hirundinidae Swallows, martins | GCS | Status | Breeds |
349 | Sand Martin | Riparia riparia |  | P4 | 0 |
| | R. r. ijimae | | P4 | 0 |
350 | Pale Martin | Riparia diluta |  | V2 | 0 |
| | R. d. fohkienensis | | V2 | 0 |
351 | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |  | P1, S2, WV2 | 1 |
| | H. r. gutturalis | | P1, S2, WV2 | 1 |
| | H. r. tytleri | | V2 | 0 |
| | H. r. saturata | | DD | DD |
352 | Eurasian Crag Martin | Ptyonoprogne rupestris |  | V2 | 0 |
353 | Common House Martin | Delichon urbicum |  | P5 | 0 |
| | D. u. lagopodum | | P5 | 0 |
354 | Asian House Martin | Delichon dasypus |  | P3, SV2, WV2 | 1 |
| | D. d. nigrimentale ? | | V2 | 0 |
| | D. d. dasypus | | P3, SV2, WV2 | 0 |
355 | Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis daurica |  | P1, S3 | 1 |
| | C. d. japonica | | P1, S3 | 1 |
Aegithalidae Bushtits | GCS | Status | Breeds |
359 | Long-tailed Tit | Aegithalos caudatus |  | R1 | 1 |
| | A. c. caudatus | | W4, R5 | 2 |
| | A. c. trivirgatus | | R3 | 1 |
| | A. c. magnus | | R1 | 1 |
Phylloscopidae Leaf warblers and allies | GCS | Status | Breeds |
360 | Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. t. yakutensis | | V2 | 0 |
361 | Common Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita |  | V1 | 0 |
| PA: Siberian Chiffchaff | P. c. tristis | | V1 | 0 |
362 | Wood Warbler | Phylloscopus sibilatrix |  | V2 | 0 |
363 | Dusky Warbler | Phylloscopus fuscatus |  | P3, S4, WV2 | 1 |
| | P. f. fuscatus | | P3, S4, WV2 | 1 |
364 | Alpine Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus occisinensis |  | V2 | 0 |
365 | Yellow-streaked Warbler | Phylloscopus armandii |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. a. armandii | | V2 | 0 |
366 | Radde's Warbler | Phylloscopus schwarzi |  | P4, S5 | 1 |
367 | Pallas's Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus proregulus |  | P3, S5, WV2 | 1 |
368 | Yellow-browed Warbler | Phylloscopus inornatus |  | P1, WV2 | 0 |
369 | Hume's Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus humei |  | P5 | 0 |
| | P. h. humei | | V2 | 0 |
| | P. h. mandellii | | P5 | 0 |
370 | Arctic Warbler | Phylloscopus borealis |  | P2 | 0 |
| | P. b. borealis | | P2 | 0 |
| | P. b. kennicotti | | V2 | 0 |
371 | Kamchatka Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus examinandus |  | P4 | 0 |
372 | Japanese Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus xanthodryas |  | P5 | 0 |
373 | Two-barred Warbler | Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus |  | P4, S5 | 1 |
374 | Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus tenellipes |  | P3, S3 | 1 |
375 | Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus borealoides |  | V1 | 0 |
376 | Eastern Crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus coronatus |  | S2, P3 | 1 |
377 | Claudia's Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus claudiae |  | V2 | 0 |
Cisticolidae Cisticolas and allies | GCS | Status | Breeds |
390 | Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis |  | S3, R5 | 1 |
| PA: Far Eastern Cisticola | ● C. (j.) brunniceps | | S3, R5 | 1 |
Regulidae Goldcrests, kinglets | GCS | Status | Breeds |
396 | Goldcrest | Regulus regulus |  | W2, P2 | 0 |
| | R. r. japonensis | | W2, P2 | 0 |
Troglodytidae Wrens | GCS | Status | Breeds |
397 | Eurasian Wren | Troglodytes troglodytes |  | W2, R3 | 1 |
| | T. t. dauricus | | W2, R3 | 1 |
Sittidae Nuthatches | GCS | Status | Breeds |
398 | Eurasian Nuthatch | Sitta europaea |  | R2 | 1 |
| | S. e. asiatica | | V2 | 0 |
| | S. e. amurensis | | R2 | 1 |
| | S. e. bedfordi | | EXT | 2 |
399 | Chinese Nuthatch | Sitta villosa |  | WV1 | 0 |
| | S. v. villosa | | WV1 | 0 |
Certhiidae Treecreepers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
400 | Eurasian Treecreeper | Certhia familiaris |  | W5, R5 | 1 |
| | C. f. daurica | | W5, R5 | 1 |
Turdidae Thrushes | GCS | Status | Breeds |
408 | Orange-headed Thrush | Geokichla citrina |  | V2 | 0 |
| | G. c. melli / courtoisi | | V2 | 0 |
409 | Siberian Thrush | Geokichla sibirica |  | P4, SV2 | 0 |
| | G. s. sibirica | | P4, SV2 | 0 |
| | G. s. davisoni | | P5 | 0 |
410 | White's Thrush | Zoothera aurea |  | P2, S2, R4 | 1 |
| | Z. a. toratugumi | | P2, S2, R4 | 1 |
411 | Grey-backed Thrush | Turdus hortulorum |  | P2, S3, WV2 | 1 |
412 | Japanese Thrush | Turdus cardis |  | P4 | 0 |
| PA: Grey Thrush | |
413 | Common Blackbird | Turdus merula |  | P5, SV2, WV2 | 1 |
| PA: Chinese Blackbird | T. m. mandarinus | | P5, SV2, WV2 | 1 |
414 | Eyebrowed Thrush | Turdus obscurus |  | P2 | 0 |
415 | Pale Thrush | Turdus pallidus |  | P2, S1, R3 | 1 |
416 | Brown-headed Thrush | Turdus chrysolaus |  | P4 | 0 |
| | T. c. chrysolaus | | P4 | 0 |
| | T. c. ● orii | | V2 | 0 |
417 | Black-throated Thrush | Turdus atrogularis |  | V1 | 0 |
418 | Red-throated Thrush | Turdus ruficollis |  | P5, WV1 | 0 |
419 | Naumann's Thrush | Turdus naumanni |  | P3, W2 | 0 |
420 | Dusky Thrush | Turdus eunomus |  | P2, W3 | 0 |
421 | Fieldfare | Turdus pilaris |  | V2 | 0 |
422 | Redwing | Turdus iliacus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | T. i. iliacus | | V2 | 0 |
423 | Chinese Thrush | Turdus mupinensis |  | V2 | 0 |
Muscicapidae Chats, Old World Flycatchers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
424 | Grey-streaked Flycatcher | Muscicapa griseisticta |  | P3 | 0 |
425 | Dark-sided Flycatcher | Muscicapa sibirica |  | P3 | 0 |
| | M. s. sibirica | | P3 | 0 |
426 | Asian Brown Flycatcher | Muscicapa latirostris |  | P2, S4 | 1 |
| | M. l. latirostris | | P2, S4 | 1 |
427 | Ferruginous Flycatcher | Muscicapa ferruginea |  | V2 | 0 |
428 | Chinese Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis glaucicomans |  | V2 | 0 |
429 | Fujian Niltava | Niltava davidi |  | V2 | 0 |
430 | Blue-and-white Flycatcher | Cyanoptila cyanomelana |  | P2, S2 | 1 |
| | C. c. cyanomelana | | P3 | 0 |
| | C. c. intermedia | | P2, S2 | 1 |
431 | Zappey's Flycatcher | Cyanoptila cumatilis |  | V2 | 0 |
432 | Verditer Flycatcher | Eumyias thalassinus |  | V1 | 0 |
| | E. t. thalassinus | | V1 | 0 |
433 | European Robin | Erithacus rubecula |  | V2 | 0 |
| | E. r. tataricus | | V2 | 0 |
434 | Siberian Blue Robin | Larvivora cyane |  | P3, S3 | 1 |
| | L. c. cyane | | P3, S3 | 1 |
| | L. c. nechaevi | | DD | DD |
435 | Rufous-tailed Robin | Larvivora sibilans |  | P3 | 0 |
436 | Japanese Robin | Larvivora akahige |  | P5, WV2 | 0 |
| | L. a. akahige | | P5, WV2 | 0 |
437 | Bluethroat | Luscinia svecica |  | P5, WV2 | 0 |
| | L. s. svecica | | P5, WV2 | 0 |
438 | Siberian Rubythroat | Calliope calliope |  | P3, S4, WV2 | 1 |
| | C. c. calliope | | P3, S4, WV2 | 1 |
| | C. c. camtschatkensis | | P5 | 0 |
439 | Red-flanked Bluetail | Tarsiger cyanurus |  | P1, W4 | 0 |
440 | Yellow-rumped Flycatcher | Ficedula zanthopygia |  | P3, S3 | 1 |
441 | Narcissus Flycatcher | Ficedula narcissina |  | P3 | 0 |
| | F. n. narcissina | | P3 | 0 |
| PA: Owston's Flycatcher | F. n. owstoni | | V2 | 0 |
442 | Green-backed Flycatcher | Ficedula elisae |  | V2 | 0 |
| NL: (Chinese Flycatcher, Elisa's Flycatcher) | |
443 | Mugimaki Flycatcher | Ficedula mugimaki |  | P3 | 0 |
444 | Red-breasted Flycatcher | Ficedula parva |  | V1 | 0 |
445 | Taiga Flycatcher | Ficedula albicilla |  | P4 | 0 |
446 | Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros |  | PV1 | 0 |
| PA: Eastern Black Redstart | P. o. rufiventris | | PV1 | 0 |
447 | Daurian Redstart | Phoenicurus auroreus |  | R1, W2 | 1 |
| | P. a. auroreus | | R1, W2 | 1 |
448 | Plumbeous Water Redstart | Phoenicurus fuliginosus |  | V1 | 1 |
| | P. f. fuliginosus | | V1 | 1 |
449 | White-capped Redstart | Phoenicurus leucocephalus |  | V2 | 0 |
450 | Blue Rock Thrush | Monticola solitarius |  | S3, R4 | 1 |
| | M. s. pandoo | | V2 | 0 |
| | M. s. philippensis | | S3, R4 | 1 |
451 | White-throated Rock Thrush | Monticola gularis |  | P3 | 0 |
452 | Stejneger's Stonechat | Saxicola stejnegeri |  | P2, S3, WV2 | 1 |
453 | Grey Bush Chat | Saxicola ferreus |  | V1 | 0 |
454 | Northern Wheatear | Oenanthe oenanthe |  | V2 | 0 |
| | O. o. oenanthe | | V2 | 0 |
455 | Isabelline Wheatear | Oenanthe isabellina |  | V2 | 0 |
456 | Desert Wheatear | Oenanthe deserti |  | V2 | 0 |
| | O. d. deserti | | V2 | 0 |
457 | Pied Wheatear | Oenanthe pleschanka |  | PV1 | 0 |
| | O. p. ● pleschanka | | PV1 | 0 |
| | O. p. ● "vittata" | | V2 | 0 |
Cinclidae Dippers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
458 | Brown Dipper | Cinclus pallasii |  | R3 | 1 |
| | C. p. pallasii | | R3 | 1 |
Estrildidae Waxbills, Munias & Allies | GCS | Status | Breeds |
462 | Scaly-breasted Munia | Lonchura punctulata |  | V2 | 0 |
| | L. p. topela | | V2 | 0 |
Motacillidae Wagtails, Pipits | GCS | Status | Breeds |
466 | Forest Wagtail | Dendronanthus indicus |  | P4, S5 | 1 |
467 | Western Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava |  | DD | 0 |
| | M. f. thunbergi ("plexa") | | DD | 0 |
468 | Eastern Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla tschutschensis |  | P2, WV2 | 0 |
| | M. t. tschutschensis | | P3 | 0 |
| | M. t. macronyx | | P4 | 0 |
| | M. t. taivana | | P3, WV2 | 0 |
469 | Citrine Wagtail | Motacilla citreola |  | P5 | 0 |
| | M. c. citreola | | P5 | 0 |
470 | Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea |  | P2, S3, R5 | 1 |
| | M. c. cinerea | | P2, S3, R5 | 1 |
471 | White Wagtail | Motacilla alba |  | P1, S2, W3 | 1 |
| | M. a. personata | | V2 | 0 |
| | M. a. baicalensis | | V1 | 0 |
| | M. a. ocularis | | P2 | 0 |
| | M. a. lugens | | P3, W3 | 0 |
| | M. a. leucopsis | | P2, S2, R5 | 1 |
| | M. a. alboides | | V2 | 0 |
472 | Japanese Wagtail | Motacilla grandis |  | R3 | 1 |
473 | Richard's Pipit | Anthus richardi |  | P3, WV2 | 0 |
474 | Blyth's Pipit | Anthus godlewskii |  | P5 | 0 |
475 | Meadow Pipit | Anthus pratensis |  | V2 | 0 |
476 | Tree Pipit | Anthus trivialis |  | PV1 | 0 |
| | A. t. trivialis | | PV1 | 0 |
477 | Olive-backed Pipit | Anthus hodgsoni |  | P1, W3, SV1 | 1 |
| | A. h. hodgsoni | | P3, W3, SV1 | 1 |
| | A. h. yunnanensis | | P1 | 0 |
478 | Pechora Pipit | Anthus gustavi |  | P3 | 0 |
| | A. g. gustavi | | P3 | 0 |
| PA: Menzbier's Pipit | A. g. menzbieri | | P5 | 0 |
479 | Rosy Pipit | Anthus roseatus |  | V2 | 0 |
480 | Red-throated Pipit | Anthus cervinus |  | P3, WV1 | 0 |
481 | Buff-bellied Pipit | Anthus rubescens |  | P2, W3 | 0 |
| | A. r. japonicus | | P2, W3 | 0 |
| | A. r. rubescens ? | | V2 | 0 |
482 | Water Pipit | Anthus spinoletta |  | V1 | 0 |
| | A. s. blakistoni | | V1 | 0 |
Fringillidae Finches | GCS | Status | Breeds |
483 | Brambling | Coelebs montifringilla |  | P1, W2 | 0 |
484 | Hawfinch | Coccothraustes coccothraustes |  | W2 | 0 |
| | C. c. schulpini | | W2 | 0 |
| | C. c. japonicus | | DD | 0 |
485 | Chinese Grosbeak | Eophona migratoria |  | S4, W5 | 1 |
| | E. m. migratoria | | S4, W5 | 1 |
486 | Japanese Grosbeak | Eophona personata |  | P5, W5 | 0 |
| | E. p. personata | | W5 | 0 |
| | E. p. magnirostris | | P5 | 0 |
487 | Pine Grosbeak | Pinicola enucleator | | V2 | 0 |
| | P. e. kamtschatkensis ? | | V2 | 0 |
488 | Eurasian Bullfinch | Pyrrhula pyrrhula |  | W3 | 0 |
| | P. p. cineracea | | V2 | 0 |
| | P. p. griseiventris | | V1 | 0 |
| | P. p. rosacea | | W3 | 0 |
489 | Asian Rosy Finch | Leucosticte arctoa |  | WV1 | 0 |
| | L. a. brunneonucha | | WV1 | 0 |
490 | Common Rosefinch | Carpodacus erythrinus |  | P4, WV2 | 0 |
| | C. e. grebnitskii | | P4, WV2 | 0 |
| | C. e. roseatus | | V2 | 0 |
491 | Long-tailed Rosefinch | Carpodacus sibiricus |  | P3, W3 | 0 |
| | C. s. ussuriensis | | P3, W3 | 0 |
492 | Pallas's Rosefinch | Carpodacus roseus |  | W4, P4 | 0 |
| | C. r. roseus | | W4, P4 | 0 |
493 | Grey-capped Greenfinch | Chloris sinica |  | R2, W2 | 1 |
| | C. s. ussuriensis | | R2, W3 | 1 |
| | C. s. kawarahiba | | W3 | 0 |
| | C. s. minor | | DD | 0 |
494 | Common Redpoll | Acanthis flammea |  | WV1 | 0 |
| | A. f. flammea | | WV1 | 0 |
495 | Arctic Redpoll | Acanthis hornemanni |  | V2 | 0 |
| | A. h. exilipes | | V2 | 0 |
496 | Red Crossbill | Loxia curvirostra |  | W4, SV2 | 2 |
| | L. c. tianschanica | | V2 | 0 |
| | L. c. japonica | | W4, SV2 | 2 |
497 | Eurasian Siskin | Spinus spinus |  | P1, W2, SV2 | 2 |
Emberizidae Buntings, New World Sparrows & Allies | GCS | Status | Breeds |
498 | Yellowhammer | Emberiza citrinella |  | V2 | 0 |
| | E. c. erythrogenys | | V2 | 0 |
499 | Pine Bunting | Emberiza leucocephalos |  | V1 | 0 |
| | E. l. leucocephalos | | V1 | 0 |
| | E. l. fronto | | V2 | 0 |
500 | Godlewski's Bunting | Emberiza godlewskii |  | V2 | 0 |
| | E. g. godlewskii / omissa | | V2 | 0 |
501 | Meadow Bunting | Emberiza cioides |  | R3, W3 | 1 |
| | E. c. wiegoldi | | W5 | 0 |
| | E. c. castaneiceps | | R3, W3 | 1 |
| | E. c. ciopsis | | V2 | 0 |
502 | Ortolan Bunting | Emberiza hortulana |  | V2 | 0 |
503 | Tristram's Bunting | Emberiza tristrami |  | P3, S4, WV1 | 1 |
504 | Chestnut-eared Bunting | Emberiza fucata |  | P4, S4, W4 | 1 |
| | E. f. fucata | | P4, S4, W4 | 1 |
505 | Little Bunting | Emberiza pusilla |  | P2, W4 | 0 |
506 | Yellow-browed Bunting | Emberiza chrysophrys |  | P3 | 0 |
507 | Rustic Bunting | Emberiza rustica |  | P2, W2 | 0 |
508 | Yellow-throated Bunting | Emberiza elegans |  | W1, P2, R2 | 1 |
| | E. e. elegans | | W1, P2, R2 | 1 |
509 | Yellow-breasted Bunting | Emberiza aureola |  | P4 | 0 |
| | E. a. aureola | | P5 | 0 |
| | E. a. ornata | | P4 | 0 |
510 | Chestnut Bunting | Emberiza rutila |  | P2, WV2 | 0 |
511 | Black-headed Bunting | Emberiza melanocephala |  | V1 | 0 |
512 | Red-headed Bunting | Emberiza bruniceps |  | V2 | 0 |
513 | Yellow Bunting | Emberiza sulphurata |  | P4 | 0 |
514 | Black-faced Bunting | Emberiza spodocephala |  | P1, W4, SV2 | 2 |
| | E. s. spodocephala | | P4, W5 | 0 |
| | E. s. personata | | P5, W5 | 0 |
| | E. s. ● extremiorientis | | P1, W4, SV2 | 2 |
515 | Grey Bunting | Emberiza variabilis |  | W5, PV1 | 0 |
| | E. v. variabilis | | W5, PV1 | 0 |
516 | Pallas's Reed Bunting | Emberiza pallasi |  | P2, W2 | 0 |
| | E. p. pallasi | | DD | 0 |
| | E. p. polaris | | P2, W2 | 0 |
517 | Japanese Reed Bunting | Emberiza yessoensis |  | P5, W5 | 0 |
| PA: Ochre-rumped Bunting | |
| | E. y. continentalis | | P5, W5 | 0 |
518 | Common Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus |  | W3 | 0 |
| | E. s. pyrrhulina | | W3 | 0 |
519 | White-crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia leucophrys |  | V2 | 0 |
| | Z. l. gambelii | | V2 | 0 |
520 | Golden-crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia atricapilla |  | V2 | 0 |
521 | Savannah Sparrow | Passerculus sandwichensis |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. s. anthinus ? | | V2 | 0 |
Calcariidae Longspurs, snow buntings | GCS | Status | Breeds |
522 | Lapland Longspur | Calcarius lapponicus |  | W3 | 0 |
| | C. l. kamtschaticus | | W3 | 0 |
523 | Snow Bunting | Plectrophenax nivalis |  | V1 | 0 |
| | P. n. vlasowae | | V1 | 0 |
Category 2:
Species of bird (and their subspecies) recorded in the Republic of Korea before 1980, supported by photographs or specimens, which have not been recorded after 1980 with the same level of documentation.
Anatidae Ducks, Geese & Swans | GCS | Status | Breeds |
524 | Crested Shelduck | Tadorna cristata |  | V2 | 0 |
Diomedeidae Albatrosses | GCS | Status | Breeds |
525 | Short-tailed Albatross | Phoebastria albatrus |  | V2 | 0 |
Threskiornithidae Ibises | GCS | Status | Breeds |
526 | Crested Ibis | Nipponia nippon |  | (W3, P5) | 0 |
Pelecanidae Pelcans | GCS | Status | Breeds |
527 | Great White Pelican | Pelecanus onocrotalus |  | V2 | 0 |
528 | Dalmatian Pelican | Pelecanus crispus |  | V2 | 0 |
Accipitridae Kites, Hawks & Eagles | GCS | Status | Breeds |
529 | Mountain Hawk-Eagle | Nisaetus nipalensis |  | V2 | 0 |
| | N. n. orientalis | | V2 | 0 |
Otididae Bustards | GCS | Status | Breeds |
530 | Great Bustard | Otis tarda |  | (W4) | 0 |
| | O. t. dybowskii | | (W4) | 0 |
Pteroclididae Sandgrouse | GCS | Status | Breeds |
531 | Pallas's Sandgrouse | Syrrhaptes paradoxus |  | V2 | 0 |
Alcedinidae Kingfishers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
532 | Crested Kingfisher | Megaceryle lugubris |  | V2 | 0 |
| | M. l. guttulata ? | | V2 | 0 |
Locustellidae Grassbirds and allies | GCS | Status | Breeds |
533 | Marsh Grassbird | Locustella pryeri |  | V2 | 0 |
| | L. p. sinensis | | V2 | 0 |
Timaliidae Babblers, Parrotbills | GCS | Status | Breeds |
534 | Chinese Hill Warbler | Rhopophilus pekinensis |  | V2 | 0 |
| | R. p. pekinensis | | V2 | 0 |
Fringillidae Finches | GCS | Status | Breeds |
535 | Two-barred Crossbill | Loxia leucoptera |  | V2 | 0 |
| | L. l. bifasciata | | V2 | 0 |
Category 3:
Species of bird (and their subspecies) recorded in the Republic of Korea seen by multiple observers (including at least one observer with prior experience of the species), or seen on more than one date by an observer with prior experience of the species, unsupported by photographs or sound recordings.
Laridae Gulls, Terns & Skimmers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
536 | Aleutian Tern | Onychoprion aleuticus |  | V2 | 0 |
Stercorariidae Skuas | GCS | Status | Breeds |
537 | Long-tailed Jaeger | Stercorarius longicaudus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | S. l. pallescens | | V2 | 0 |
Alcidae Auks | GCS | Status | Breeds |
538 | Little Auk | Alle alle |  | V2 | 0 |
| | A. a. polaris | | V2 | 0 |
Falconidae Caracaras, Falcons | GCS | Status | Breeds |
539 | Lesser Kestrel | Falco naumanni |  | V2 | 0 |
Apodidae Swifts | GCS | Status | Breeds |
540 | Common Swift | Apus apus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | A. a. pekinensis | | V2 | 0 |
Corvidae Crows, Jays | GCS | Status | Breeds |
541 | Red-billed Chough | Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. p. brachypus | | V2 | 0 |
Paridae Tits, chickadees | GCS | Status | Breeds |
542 | Azure Tit | Cyanistes cyanus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | C. c. yenisseensis ? | | V2 | 0 |
Alaudidae Larks | GCS | Status | Breeds |
543 | Bimaculated Lark | Melanocorypha bimaculata |  | V2 | 0 |
| | M. b. torquata ? | | V2 | 0 |
Phylloscopidae Leaf warblers and allies | GCS | Status | Breeds |
544 | Chinese Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus yunnanensis |  | V2 | 0 |
Category 4:
Species of bird recorded in the Republic of Korea, either seen only by a single observer (with or without prior experience of that species) or seen by several observers without prior experience of the species, or heard by those with prior experience, unsupported by photographs or sound recordings.
Procellariidae Petrels, Shearwaters | GCS | Status | Breeds |
545 | Sooty Shearwater | Puffinus griseus |  | V2 | 0 |
Accipitridae Kites, Hawks & Eagles | GCS | Status | Breeds |
546 | Black Baza | Aviceda leuphotes |  | V2 | 0 |
| | A. l. syama | | V2 | 0 |
Charadriidae Plovers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
547 | American Golden Plover | Pluvialis dominica |  | V2 | 0 |
Scolopacidae Sandpipers, Snipes | GCS | Status | Breeds |
548 | Hudsonian Godwit | Limosa haemastica |  | V2 | 0 |
549 | Greater Yellowlegs | Tringa melanoleuca |  | V2 | 0 |
550 | Western Sandpiper | Calidris mauri |  | V2 | 0 |
Laridae Gulls, Terns & Skimmers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
551 | Ring-billed Gull | Larus delawarensis |  | V2 | 0 |
Cuculidae Cuckoos | GCS | Status | Breeds |
552 | Greater Coucal | Centropus sinensis |  | V2 | 0 |
| | C. s. sinensis | | V2 | 0 |
553 | Himalayan Cuckoo | Cuculus saturatus |  | V2 | 0 |
Muscicapidae Chats, Old World Flycatchers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
554 | European Pied Flycatcher | Ficedula hypoleuca |  | V2 | 0 |
| | F. h. sibirica | | V2 | 0 |
555 | Slaty-blue Flycatcher | Ficedula tricolor |  | V2 | 0 |
556 | Güldenstädt's Redstart | Phoenicurus erythrogastrus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. e. grandis | | V2 | 0 |
Category 5:
Species of bird recorded in the Republic of Korea that appear to have been introduced and are now widely established.
Columbidae Pigeons, Doves | GCS | Status | Breeds |
557 | (Rock Dove) | Columba livia var. "domestica" |  | R3 | 1 |
| PA: Feral Pigeon | |
Category 6:
Species reported by competent observers - in some cases supported by poor images or sound-recordings - for which inclusion or exclusion on the national list at this time requires further independent review.
Anatidae Ducks, Geese & Swans | GCS | Status | Breeds |
558 | Canada Goose | Branta canadensis |  | V2 | 0 |
| | B. c. parvipes | | V2 | 0 |
559 | American Black Duck | Anas rubripes |  | V1 | 0 |
560 | Canvasback | Aythya valisineria |  | V1 | 0 |
561 | Redhead | Aythya americana |  | V2 | 0 |
562 | Barrow's Goldeneye | Bucephala islandica |  | V2 | 0 |
Accipitridae Kites, Hawks & Eagles | GCS | Status | Breeds |
563 | Common Buzzard | Buteo buteo |  | DD | 0 |
| | B. b. vulpinus | | DD | 0 |
Scolopacidae Sandpipers, Snipes | GCS | Status | Breeds |
564 | Wilson's Phalarope | Phalaropus tricolor |  | V2 | 0 |
Laridae Gulls, Terns & Skimmers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
565 | Ivory Gull | Pagophila eburnea |  | V2 | 0 |
566 | Sabine's Gull | Xema sabini |  | V2 | 0 |
567 | Little Gull | Hydrocoloeus minutus |  | V2 | 0 |
Alcidae Auks | GCS | Status | Breeds |
568 | Pigeon Guillemot | Cepphus columba |  | V2 | 0 |
| | C. c. DD | | V2 | 0 |
Corvidae Crows, Jays | GCS | Status | Breeds |
569 | Northern Raven | Corvus corax |  | V2 | 0 |
| | C. c. kamtschaticus | | V2 | 0 |
Locustellidae Grassbirds and allies | GCS | Status | Breeds |
570 | Sakhalin Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella amnicola |  | V2 | 0 |
Muscicapidae Chats, Old World Flycatchers | GCS | Status | Breeds |
571 | Common Redstart | Phoenicurus phoenicurus |  | V2 | 0 |
| | P. p. phoenicurus | | V2 | 0 |